Ultra-High Efficiency Percomax® Direct-Contact Water Heater
Stack temperature lower than heating loopwater return temperature.
The ULTRA-HIGH EFFICIENCY water heater is composed of a PERCOMAX "DIRECT-CONTACT" water heater and a "WATER VAPOR PUMP". This arrangement results in an appliance which will operate at high efficiencies (94%) even when used for space heating requirements, where return water temperatures are as high as 150°F (66°C). Hot water is produced at temperatures as high as 190°F (88°C).
The ULTRA-HIGH EFFICIENCY water heater is composed of a PERCOMAX "DIRECT-CONTACT" water heater and a "WATER VAPOR PUMP". This arrangement results in an appliance which will operate at high efficiencies (94%) even when used for space heating requirements, where return water temperatures are as high as 150°F (66°C). Hot water is produced at temperatures as high as 190°F (88°C).
Ultra-High Efficiency Percomax®
The principal component of the ULTRA-HIGH EFFICIENCY water heater remains the PERCOMAX, complete with its circulating pump and heat exchanger. The WATER VAPOR PUMP includes an EVAPORATOR tower, a CONDENSER tower, and two circulating pumps.
2Operation of the water vapor pump
1-Combustion air is delivered by a fan into the lower part of the EVAPO-RATOR tower. At the same time, warm water is delivered to the top of the tower by one of the two circulating pumps. The direct contact of the falling water and rising air, in the EVAPORATOR heat transfer zone, results in heating, and increasing the humidity of the air (by evaporation of some of the water), and cooling of the water.
2-The cooled water collecting at the bottom of the EVAPORATOR tower is delivered to the top of the CONDENSER tower by the second circulating pump. At the same time, the hot, saturated flue gas issuing from the PERCOMAX is delivered into the lower part of the CONDENSER. The direct contact of the falling water and rising flue gas, in the CONDENSER heat transfer zone, results in cooling of the flue gas, and a condensation of part of its water content, and heating of the water.
3-The heated water collecting at the bottom of the CONDENSER tower is delivered back to the top of the EVAPORATOR tower by the first circulating pump. There it will transfer the energy, recuperated from the PERCOMAX flue gas in the CONDENSER, to the combustion air, as described in 1, above.
All wetted components and materials, including the PERCOMAX, EVAPORATOR, and CONDENSER shells, and their heat transfer zone packings, are entirely fabricated of stainless steel, and are covered by a 5 year guarantee.
Hydronic (space) heating.
The ULTRA-HIGH EFFICIENCY water heater is available in capacities varying from 1 to 50 million BTU/hr (300 to 15000 kW). If you require greater capacity, contact SOFAME.
- Even greater efficiency than a standard direct-contact water heater.
- Minimum maintenance required.
- Reduced emission of atmospheric pollutants, including NOx.
- No supervision required (unit is not classed as a pressure vessel).
- Rapid unit start-up (instantaneous hot water production).
- Multi-unit residential
- Industrial
- Commercial
- Institutional